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Tumbleweed Houses

The smallest houses in the whole wide world.

Galettes Coquines

I know that this is a seasonal post out of season, and I apologize for that. I just couldn't wait until the next Epiphany to share these feves coquins from the Boulangerie Cougny in Issoudun.


mutant calf

The shark attack story is interesting enough, but check out the related news underneath!

I was always suspicious of the Weekly World News printing too many stories occurring in Eastern Europe, but no more. Pet Alligator Attacks Drunken Russian Owner! Indeed!

rabbit woman


No man can resist the Giant Bunny-Head Woman.


I've been on a lot of different social sites lately, most of them frequented mainly by middle schoolers. For some reason, this example of teen angst moved me.

I know this little mise en abime has been getting around a lot lately, but I don't care! It's neat!

Cab Blog

A female San Jose cab driver blogs

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