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Street Anatomy

Justine sent me this link to the blog Street Anatomy: Medical Visualization past, Present, and Future.


It's a slow-loading page. The blog authors would be wise to have only a couple of these big images and movies on the front page and put things down in the "read more" section after they've been up a few days. Fascinating images, though. Worth the wait.

Download Squad

If someone had told me two years ago that I'd be interested in regularly reading a weblog called Downloadsquad I would have snorted in his face.

Never snort.

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Nietsche Family Circus: Connecting randomized Family Circus comic squares and Nietsche quotations since 2005.

Slightly more depressing...Dubya the Menace
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At home you're wifi King, but away you become wifi beggar. La Fonera. There's somebody in Coon rapids, IA with one of these. There's also one on rue du Soleil. Get a free fonera in the US!

blog in English.
blog in french.

This morning when I logged on to the office irc channel to start my work day, the title of the channel had been changed to " cruisin' the web with sweetness."

Steven Bradford Hulett, aka the sweetest Church of Christ guy, has a great collection of Valentine's cards and an awesome little website navigator.

I can't decide which card is my favorite.
"I wish you could have seen the smile on my face when I caught this turtle"
A list of all my blessings

I love this side of the internet!

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