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To Die For

Very nice Corpses. You can choose to have lights installed in the eyes.

This is another one from Short Attention Span Theater, which I think of as my crasser, raunchier Metafilter.

Singing Science

Move over Free To Be ... You And Me, it's time for Ballads For The Age Of Science. Hymns for atheists!

This is on Jef Poskanzer's endlessly interesting web site. He's the guy who made the Heart Maker.
Frankly, your latest post on Galileo's Gravitron (or whatchamacallit) has me concerned Vigo may not be getting a proper exposure to science from his spacy mom. (Erik, where are you? Do you even read this blog? Do you know what happens here?) I'm joking, of course. Still, please download all these mp3s and have Vigo listen to them until you can't stand to hear them anymore. You might start with It's a Magnet (some skipping due to old vinyl recording), What is Gravity (sounds like he's saying gravity is a farce?), Ballad Of Sir Isaac Newton, and It's A Scientific Fact.
One more thing: the same page links to this wonderful, wonderful video of "The Elements" song (full-screen version) by Tom Lehrer. Learn it by heart and sing it with this midi accompaniment (and here for good measure is my favorite, Poisoning Pigeons In The Park). There's also a recent interview with Tom Lehrer: apparently he's very much alive and kicking, just not singing a lot.
Hmm, I wonder if Leonore would be into these? It's amazing the music parents will put up with to placate their kid. This could be a nice change.


The Galileo Gravitator. "Getting it to work will be your challenge."

This other site is pretending it's a desk lamp, and leaves out any mention of a challenge.

Jersey Man Eater

I normally would not promote any website using white writing on a black background (my eyes! my eyes!), but this is some story. The site has a lot of interesting (if practically illegible) stuff on it.

The story of the man eater is more easily read, and given more detail on this site. I will probably have nightmares tonight.

Was it a white shark, a bull shark, more than one shark? Frankly, I don't think it matters too much.

Modern Archeology

Archeologists study ancient roadways visible on Satellite photographs.


Ancient fake cat mummies uncovered at last.

Hidden Objects

The Deliberately Concealed Garments Project explores the mysteriously charming practice of hiding clothing in the walls and foundations of buildings for other people to find later.


I don't really understand why, but this video made me feel like the US really is a great country.

Pins and Needles

hey everyone, there's a new weblog in Psychoastronomy town.

This is a shameless self-promotion post. I made a new dirty coloring book for a Superette online Valentine's Day sale.

Paper Airplanes

Ken Blackburn holds the record for the longest-flying paper airplane.

Creepy Crawlers

Reading a children's book about creepy crawlers yesterday evening, I learned that the term bug has a very specific entymological meaning.

Frogs are definitely not bugs.

Apparently, the correct term for what most of us call bugs, is "creepy crawlers." (Also the name of a cool toy from the 1960s.)

Hand Job

You would have to be a very special kind of guy to get this to work for you.


Have you seen the kigurumi (toy animal dresser) gals?

(What does that V-sign mean? maybe a gyaru (girl) or ganguro (blackface) thing - in Japan, apparently it's rebellious to look like a California girl - or maybe yamanba (mountain hag) (oh, except they've been obsoleted by the gosurori (Goth Lolita) (OK, I give up, why am I talking about Japanese teenage fashion? (I'm straying from my area of expertise (which is what, again?)) oh yeah, Japanese animal-costume fashion))).
So kigurumi was mainly a kosupure (costume player) thing but there are indications it is going mainstream. These I think are just costumes, not fashion (but who knows).
This appears to be a toy animal dressing up as a toy animal. Stop the cuteness!
(via MeFi)


I'm going to make a galette des rois to take to Vigo's daycare tomorrow, so I decided to brush up on what this holiday is all about. Other than eating cake and wearing crowns, of course.


The other day, while looking for visual proof of Tracy's Nordicness (gosh, you wouldn't believe the amount of porn I had to wade through, searching through images for German girl, Danish girl, Swedish girl... sheesh!), I made a bit of a discovery.

Gerda Wegener is an early 20th century Danish painter who lived in Paris and had an interesting life:
biography, photo album, paintings, erotic art (show samples below).

Her husband, Lili Elbe, has his/her own Wikipedia entry, but Gerda doesn't (hmm...).

More of her artwork: Costumes Parisiens, Art Deco print and short bio, Amour à Venise, La Vie Parisienne, Les délassements d'Eros. At work and La Sophistiquette (from this nice gallery). Google Image Search: Gerda Wegener.

A recent novelization of her and her husband's life, called The Danish Girl (Amazon), had some success, though it changed the facts a lot.

sans rapport: The somewhat quirky author of the web pages on Gerda Wegener is a writer and translator called Kenneth Tindall. He has a fascination with his namesake, "William the Translator": William Tyndale - Wikipedia, William Tyndale (1484-1536) biography, William Tyndale Society.

Last night I watched a documentary called Trekkies 2. Watching this film, I learned about the existence of Star Trek tribute bands. There's No Kill I, NKI:TNG, Warp 11, The Shatners, and others.

mp3s, anyone?
No Kill I
Warp 11

There's also a Klingon metal band in the movie. They're from Portland and call themselves "Stokovor," but I didn't find a website for them. Which makes me wonder if they really exist.

Geeky Crafty

Who couldn't use a crocheted model of the Lorenz manifold? Do it yourself.

(This from the weblog of the excellent Craftster site.)


I like these little guys (Flash). My life is just footnotes to MetaFilter these days.

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