I spent a long time today migrating this blog over from where it was living before. I had hoped to merge it with the original blog I started back in 2002, The Utterly Sputter. I was able to figure out that the account I used to create that blog 8 years ago is connected to a Hotmail account I don't remember creating or using. I spent over an hour trying to figure out how to get into that account. I tried to answer the secret question. I tried every password I could think of.
Then, I tried to figure out if there was any way to get help from Microsoft to get into the account or help from Google to connect the old blog to my new account. As far as I can tell, it is not allowed to ask for human help in either case. You may give Microsoft feedback, but it clearly states when you hit "send" that no one will ever reply to you.
It was a little trip down memory lane just trying to figure out what emails I had used and abandoned in the past. Libertysurf, yahoo, hotmail, noos, even laposte! I am sure there are webmail accounts out there that I still didn't remember even after all the brain racking I did today. Poor abandoned email accounts, just gathering spam.