What's up with the gender issues mentioned and not elaborated upon
The panel is totally male. They tried to have a woman on the panel, but failed.
DNA is passed through sperm and egg cell...
DNA is for everyone. It is not a gendered structure, but what is being made use of where ethnic identity or belonging to a particular group are concerned, they make use of a very specidfic feature, the fact that one of the major diff btw egg and sperm that come from the two sexes basically the ovum contains the mitocondrium which carries DNA and this is the exclusive female contribution, You can make use of thiat knowledge in establishing geneology bc the dna come packed in cells and you only study the dna...
Beyond the gene beneath the skin
treat the whole cell as a unit, not just the dna.
Problematics of Watson's discovery of DNA
Vanouse problemetizes Watson and didn't bring it up in the discussion about the discovery of DNA bc he wanted to talk about him more in the eugenics conversation
In the early 90's, gender identity as a construct was a big topic.
Jens asked female panelists to join, but none of them wanted to do it. Is there a mistrust from women of genetic or biological entology? Women don't embrace it without hesitation. They feel a danger.
Paul Vanouse is the artist of Fingerprints
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
Max Plank institute
The media blindness of science
Simon Cole
Theoretical criminology
Jens Hauser
creator of the exhibition
video maker
Moderator: marie-Luise Angerer